A little background I saw this competition only a few days before. 
I already had plans for the day, so the pictures became a little rushed.
I also had my wife and kids with me, so it was kind of chaotic
We had to go to the library to return some books and it ended up being my "location".
The light and vibe was amazing. In the background a video played Carmina Burana
The "Dogma"
The competition has a number of rules that had to be followed. 
It ran over 6 hours from 10-16
Six pictures each with a topic to be made consecutive.
No post-processing allowed

I also set up some rules for myself: 
One lens -  Fujinon XF 35 mm F1.4 WR & mcex-16 extension tube
Film Simulation - Kodachrome
I use a Fujifilm X-T20 camera
Here are my six entries

1.  Subject

Bedste venner (Best Friends)

Only one left R.I.P

2. Subject

De små ting (The little things)

This is were the fingers do the walking and magic happens

3. Subject

Der var engang (Once upon a time)

No Roskilde festival this Year due to Covid-19, it has also been many years since I have been on a festival. I kind of miss it.

The Brass in the foreground has a long history and once upon a time this piece mad music but is only on display now 

4. Subject

Pas på os (Take care of us / Beware of us )

Coffee...  take care of me so you don't have to beware of me(us)

5. Subject

På hovedet (Upside down / something on the head)

Heads upside down.  A bit sought. It can not all be good

6. Subject

For enden af regnbuen (At the end of the rainbow)

At the end of the rainbow is... Storage(Magasin)

I think this is my favorite. I like the colors, the lines, the sense of being directed up, in and out...

I really think this was hard. Not to be able to make the pictures randomly as I felt like. And that I could not edit a bit.
Looking at the pictures I feel I need to be more precise when I set up the composition. I did a brainstorm and kind of a plan before I began the shoot. 
Next time I'll use more time on that. I have learned a lot looking critically at the pictures. - Martin
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